Robots at fingertips - Researchers’s Night in Győr at SZTAKI’s Industry 4.0 Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence

Lead text: 
The nationwide programme, the Researchers’ Night gives us the opportunity to invite high schools students who stand before deciding their future professional career, but also interested elementary and grammar school students and even grown-ups are welcome
Short description: 

The Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence of SZTAKI has been working for years on developing so-called Industry 4.0 solutions. At our demo we present the assembling of different parts, offering at each step the option to get it done either by the robot or the visitor himself. So anybody can test how to cooperate (in a collaborative way) with a robot. Additionally, the digital model of the complex assembling work station is also shown in real-time by using various sensors.              

The ever closer and ever more comprehensive links between production and IT, the new technological solutions and business concepts developed on this basis are summarised by the term Industry 4.0. Digitisation opens the way to the cyber-physical systems where each real (physical) device has its digital / virtual (cyber-) copy. The two are tightly coupled to each other and enable the device to operate in a more complex (smart) way. The most exciting area of this evolution is the new type of robotization, i.e. when robots are working in an environment where humans are also present and, even more, tasks are performed jointly by the robots and humans.         

The Programme

The detailed programme may be accessed through the official website of the Researchers’ Day here.

Széchenyi István Egyetem, UT 110 é. labor 9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1.
SZTAKI, EPIC InnoLabs Kft.
Zoltán Vén
Friday, September 27, 2019 - 10:30